Acetic acid is primarily used as a raw material for the manufacture of vinyl acetate (VAM). It is used as a reaction promoter in terephthalic acid production and is also a raw material for cellulose acetate, acetate esters, acetic anhydride, chloroacetic acid and a wide range of industrial synthesis.

Acetic acid (synthetic) (СН3СООН) is produced by a method of carbonization from methanol and carbonic oxide on rhodic catalyst, used for the production of salts and esters, acetic anhydride, acetyl chloride, coloring agents, insecticides, as lacquer and paint solvents, and also as latex coagulator.Main technical characteristics
Main specifications | Normal values for the grade |
Appearance | Colorless, transparent liquid free from suspended matter |
Water solubility | Complete, transparent solution |
Mass fraction of acetic acid, %, no less than | 99.5 |
Mass fraction of acetaldehyde, %, no more than | 0.004 |
Mass fraction of formic acid, %, no more than | 0.05 |
Mass fraction of sulphates (SO4), %, no more than | 0.0003 |
Mass fraction of chlorides (CI), %, no more than | 0.0004 |
Mass fraction of the heavy metals precipitated by hydrogen sulphide (Pb), %, no more than | 0.0004 |
Mass fraction of iron (Fe), %, no more than | 0.0004 |
Mass fraction of non-volatile residue, %, no more than | 0.004 |
Dyeing stability of potassium permanganate solution, in minutes, no less than | 60 |
Mass fraction of the substances, oxidizing by potassium dichromate, cm³of sodium thiosulfate solution with a level of the concentration (Na2SO3*5H2O) = 0.1 moles/dm³, (0.1n), no more than | 5.0 |
Test with sulfuric acid | Should pass the test |
Acetic acid is a flammable liquid. Acetic acid burns the skin on contact. Vapors irritate the mucous coating of respiratory passages. Acetic acid solutions with 30% concentration and stronger causes burns at skin contact.
Acetic acid is transported in clean rail tank cars with stainless steel inside surface, equipped with overhead discharge and self-heated system or in “thermos” -typed rail tank cars by railway and in special chemicals vessels with stainless steel tanks by sea.
Shelf life – 1 year from the date of production.
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