Performance Grade (PG) bitumen is bitumen which is graded based on its performance at different temperatures. The RGE  has given a certain algorithm to calculate the temperature of the pavement based on the temperature of the air above. From this, the highest and the lowest temperatures of the pavement is calculated and the bitumen that performs well in that temperature range is selected.

This Bitumen is being used in Road, Airport constructions.

Image result for Bitumen performance grade

Royal Global Energy is the Top bitumen company Iran which is the answer of all modern and time-tested problems and need for highest quality of bitumen performance grade. The Bitumen performance grade that is most suitable binder for pavement performance in terms of grooving, cracking, and low temperature cracking by the bitumen company in Pakistan.  Our bitumen performance grade is manufactured with the best variety of raw materials.

The Bitumen PG grades produce the best quality of bitumen performance grade in all over bitumen companies in Iran. The main reason of grading and selecting asphalt binder in Iran is to decide which type of binder is suitable for environmental conditions in the field. PG asphalt binders are chosen to meet expected weather conditions as well as traffic speed and volume. So, the performance grade is done to check the physical properties of the binder which can be directly related to the performance of the field pavement by the asphalt companies.

Why Bitumen Performance Grade

The bitumen grade 60 70 price in Iran also varies. You can order your product in a very economically and cheap price as compared to other asphalt companies in Iran. Bitumen performance grader is uses as:

  • The construction of new paving and pavement rehabilitation.
  • Sealing the edges of new and old paving.
  • Also sealing the cracks.
  • Spraying method for bridge deck and pavement protective membrane with fabrics.
  • For the production of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) which is manufactured in the
    bitumen hot mix plant.
  • We also use performance grade on the high elevation roadways and many more

Bitumen Performance Grade

Bitumen Performance GradePg 46-34Pg 46-28Pg 52-28Pg 58-28Pg 58-22Pg 64-22AASHTO
Original Binder
Flash Point, COC,°C230T48
Flash Point, P-M, °CNS≥ 204ASTM D93
Rotational Viscosity @ 135°C, Pa·s3.00T 316
Dynamic Shear @ Grade Temperature,°C464652585864T 315
G*/sin @ 10 rad/sec, kPa≥ 1.00
RTFOT Residue       
Mass Loss, %  ≤ 1.00   T 240
Dynamic Shear @ Grade Temperature,°C464652585864T 315
G*/sin @ 10 rad/sec, kPa  2.20   T 315
PAV Residue (Aging Temperature, °C) 90  100 R 28
Dynamic Shear @ Grade Temperature,°C101316192225T 315
G*/sin @ 10 rad/sec, kPa  5000   T 315
Creep Stiffness-24-18-18-18-12-12T 315
S, Mpa  ≤ 300   T 313

The above table shows a complete illustration of Bitumen Performance Grade, Royal Global Energy has a full range of Bitumen Grade. Thus most used grade in bitumen performance grade.


 PG 76-10PG 82-10 
Flash Point, COC, °C230230T48
Viscosity @ 135°C, Pa·s135°C3.0135°CASTM D4402
Dynamic Shear @ 70°C, G*/sin d, kPa1.00
After RTFO
Dynamic Shear @ 70°C, G*/sin d, kPa2.20
Mass Loss, %1%1%
After PAV @ 100°C
Dynamic Shear @ 28°C, G*·sin d, kPa5000
Creep Stiffness @ -12°C, S, MPa300
Creep Stiffness @ -12°C, M-value0.300

PG is the latest standard of the day. This relatively new method classified bitumen is based on varying temperatures. It is a fully scientific method studying the mechanical specifications of bitumen. In this method, a temperature range is defined for bitumen and the consumer can easily choose the desired product. Having installed SHRP systems, Royal Global Energy is capable of selling bitumen to its customers based on PG method. Today, a PG is defined for polymer modified bitumen and pure bitumen based on environmental conditions and temperature. A wider PG range means higher resistance and more favorable specifications. Royal Global Energy has the capacity to produce all these grades. This company first conducted climate zoning in Iran to specify the appropriate bitumen for different geographical zones.

PG Bitumen
High Temperature PerformanceLow Temperature Performance
PG 46-34, -40, -46
PG 52-10, -16, 22-, -28, -34, -40, -46
PG 58-10, -16, 22-, -28, -34, -40
PG 64-10, -16, 22-, -28, -34, -40
PG 70-10, -16, 22-, -28, -34, -40
PG 76-10, -16, 22-, -28, -34
PG 82-10, -16, 22-, -28, -34


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